Stay Ahead of the Curve with Retail Analytics

Data-Driven Retail Solutions

DecisionMinesTM: A Data-driven Solution for Retailers

The dawn of the new millennium has ushered in a wave of technological advancements, putting the customers firmly in the driver’s seat and making them more empowered than before.The best way to stay ahead of the disruption curve is to leverage the power of information to offer innovative solutions. The power of information, coupled seamlessly with an integrated landscape of connected services, helps retailers invigorate their brands and retain customer loyalty. DecisionMinesTM for Retail helps enterprises create an effective strategy by modelling existing data, with an eye on the ROI and brand acceptance. Organizations can thus use data science to make better pricing decisions, understand customer purchasing behavior, predict the customer’s next move, and thereby take the next best action.

Customer Retention

Customer Retention

Disparate shopping channels drive away customers

Inventory Optimization

Inventory Optimization

Unoptimized inventory leads to frequent stock-outs

Demand Management

Demand Management

Poor demand forecasting leads to dead inventory

Pain Point

Prescriptive Retail Solutions

Michelle White  - Director, Merchandising Private
Michelle White
| Director, Merchandising Private Label
Manages planning, buying, stocking, and presenting of products.
   Retail Strategy and Business Development | Brand and Private Label Visionary and Builder
How can I identify emerging popular merchandising categories and products for Private label strategy?

Private Label Candidates

Informed insights on products best suited for private labelling.

The main challenge faced by the current retail industry lies in spotting the right candidates for private labelling amidst a million products. Also, inherent time-to-market delays require predicting product performance ahead of time. When performed rightly, private label brands offer well-segmented assortments and higher profits. However, without the right strategy, retailers can quickly lose competitive relevance leading to excessive markdowns.
With the power of data analytics driven by customer experiences, DecisionMinesTM helps retailers gain a competitive advantage with its Private label candidate identification Decision Point. DecisionMinesTM recommends the products that are best suited for private labeling by predicting their sales for the upcoming quarter and helps retailers make better pricing decisions. Connect with us to know more on the science of maximizing profits by predictive private labeling.

Connect with us to know more about our capabilities.

What will drive high footfall to the store?
Brandon Williams -Store Manager
Brandon Williams
| Store Manager
Manages the store and facilitates smooth running of business
    Store Image Enhancement | Performance Optimization | Profit Improvement

Customer Drop Analysis

Insightful pointers to leverage consumer preference for retention.

The best retail experiences always begin with knowing your customers, and serving them in their precise moment of need. Retailers need to engage consumers with curated marketing while providing seamless and interconnected shopping channels. DecisionMinesTM processes insights from the customer journey analytics data to help retailers provide relevant consumer experiences. Retailers can save time by replacing traditional analysis with a broader analytics strategy focusing on shopping preferences, customer purchasing behavior, and retail industry trends and predictions. We help you predict your customer’s next move and measure the impact of your strategies.

Connect with us to know more about our capabilities.

Kevin Stone - Warehouse Manager
Kevin Stone
| Warehouse Manager
Manages enterprise-wide inventory and allocation
   GMROI Optimization | Stock Sell-through Optimization
Which products are likely to be OOS, but with a high GMROI?

Inventory Optimization with GMROI

Actionable insights to increase GMROI, minimize stock-outs and overstocking.

In the new digital economy, inventory is a critical business asset. Retailers naturally feel compelled to continually stock up, but often lack the strategy to optimize inventory. The key challenge is syncing the demand and supply planning factors and fulfillment operations such that time-to-shelf is quick, and manufacturing and distribution costs are low, because poor cross-channel inventory management affects revenue and customer loyalty. DecisionMinesTM helps retailers gain a competitive advantage with insights driven by store analytics and customer behavior. Using algorithms and GMROI, it enables you to avoid out-of-stock situations without excessive inventory maintenance.

Connect with us to discover how retail predictive analytics provides real-time insights.

How do I manage demand fluctuations while maintaining an optimal stock sell-through?

Demand Forecasting

Insightful pointers to improve sales volume, using historical data and changing trends.

In the new digital economy, inventory is a critical business asset. Retailers naturally feel compelled to continually stock up, but often lack the strategy to optimize inventory. The key challenge is syncing the demand and supply planning factors and fulfillment operations such that time-to-shelf is quick, and manufacturing and distribution costs are low, because poor cross-channel inventory management affects revenue and customer loyalty. DecisionMinesTM helps retailers gain a competitive advantage with insights driven by store analytics and customer behavior. Using algorithms and GMROI, it enables you to avoid out-of-stock situations without excessive inventory maintenance.

Connect with us to discover how retail predictive analytics provides real-time insights.

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