


How Big Data in Sports is Changing the Game
Discover how analytics revolutionizes how athletes train, coaches teach, scouts evaluate talent and fans enjoy sports.
The Evolution of Wealth Management
The evolving avatar of wealth management, the wealth manager & the prudent use of data analytics...
Leverage Data to Win and Retain Customers
Wealth management customers are a major source of revenue for banking and non-banking finance companies.
Retail Analytics: The Causal Modelling Approach
Learn how AI can help retailers decode consumer behavior and survive in a disruptive ecosystem.
Inventory Demand Forecasting for Improved GMRoI
An informational framework for retailers to strike a balance between excess inventory and out of stock situations.
Data Security Made Easier with Digital Intelligence
Protect your sensitive enterprise data with a smart analytics solution.
Analytics: The Foundation of Marketing Success
Get better returns on your marketing dollars by leveraging data science


Customer Relevance Decoded with Data
Discover how predictive analytics delivers targeted experiences to consumers, increases conversion rates, and boost sales.
Take Control of Outcomes with Analytics
Data is useful only when it’s quantifiable and decipherable. Learn how analytics can optimize your marketing campaigns.
Marketing 2.0: The Number Game
Discover how predictive analytics can help optimize campaigns and drive successful business outcomes.
Wealth Management: Onboarding Redefined
Evolution brings change, and the financial services landscape—particularly wealth...
Driving Wealth Management with Analytics
The business of wealth management has seen significant changes over the last 100 years or so due to several factors.
Upsell, Cross-Sell & Everything in Between
In the experience-driven hospitality industry, discover how upsell & cross-sell helps marketers drive additional revenues.
Big Data: How It’s Changing the Retail Game
Let’s explore the impact of big data and predictive analytics solutions on the retail industry.
Win Over Customers with the Science of Personalization
Learn more on how personalization in retail gives customers individual experiences with brands.
Predictive Analytics: Optimizing Retail Performance
Discover how retailers can use big data to present better purchasing options for buyers online.
DecisionMines Featured in Forrester Report
Analytics framework recognized as one of the digital decisioning platforms to watch out for.


Upsell & Cross-sell: Done Right
Every ancillary sale impacts the hotel’s bottom line. Learn about the art of the perfect upsell & cross-sell strategy.
Strategizing Retail Analytics Successfully
Using big data and predictive analytics to help retailers reach out to their customers.
The Data-driven Path to Intelligent Retailing
Discover the impact and business benefits of data science on the retail industry.
Predictive Analytics for Efficient Campaign Management
Build marketing campaigns that are impressionable and cost-efficient, and reach the intended audience.
Millennials and Wealth Management
The advent of Artificial Intelligence and the evolving mindscape of the millennials is changing the way we manage money.
Prescriptive Analytics to Grow Yield
Fast-forward business outcomes & make informed decisions with data analytics...
Turn Data Insights into Informed Business Decisions
Boost customer engagement and drive revenue with predictive intelligence capabilities.

Case Study

Winning Private Label Candidate Identification
How DecisionMines™ helped a leading online provider of aftermarket automotive parts with private label candidate identification.

Analyst Reports

AI for Business Decision-making
451 Research’s report on Cybage DecisionMines addressing complex tasks performed by intelligent machine learning..
Cybage impacts the AI-assisted analytics market
451 Research’s report on Cybage’s AI-backed decision management platform DecisionMines


Marketing Solutions by DecisionMines
Marketing Solutions by DecisionMines
Data Analytics to Drive Business Value
Build an insights-driven business where every decision is supported by data.
Data Science for Effective Wealth Management
One-of-its kind, advanced prescriptive analytics solution that exploits data science to empower decision makers..
Wealth Management Solutions by DecisionMines
Structured data enables customers to make informed decisions and also gives them a competitive edge…

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